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Take a look at the photos below, and then visit the google form to vote for your favorite. -- Please click here to vote.

Claire B., Portland OR Women's March

"Feminism to me is the equality of everyone. We all deserve to feel empowered. "

Becca O. 

Caption in progress.

Cecelia F.

"This is me, and the feminist inside says ENOUGH!"

Quinn H.

"Veteran Brittany Nedrow-Blevins and her service dog Beau. Nedrow-Blevins is currently studying at University of Montana. One of the first things I noticed when I met her was her drive to get the job done, after getting to know her it was apparent that she is a very strong individual."

Cheyenne F.


as I sit on the end of my bed

listening to the world spin,

I am left to ponder the potential

that this world could possess;


if we could unshackle ourselves from the aspersions

that are inflicted upon individuals depending on the gender in which they were given,

man or woman,

this factor determining how one can feel, act, or portray themselves;


what if we were to shed this skin of hate

the skin we’re afraid to admit that we all wear

and dance in our emotions as naked and raw as love,

love for our fellow humans along with the love for ourselves,

love for the fact that we are all individuals as well as a collective species,

every soul searching for someone to understand them as well as they understand themselves;


if we all did what needed to be done, could we then,

find a way to stem our harshest tears in moments of dejection

brought on by ourselves and the “norms” of society,

or are we doomed with our misogynistic ways to continue to let our differences

be our dividing line?


-- Cheyenne Summer Fisher  


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